Ever since humans evolved to the degree that they could recognize the concept of “property”, disputes have…
More States Join Oklahoma Court Battle Over Legalized Marijuana
folder_openLegal Marijuana
In an earlier post we looked at the efforts of the state governments of Oklahoma and Nebraska to challenge…
What are the Differences Between Assault and Battery in Oklahoma?
folder_openAssault and Battery
For many people, the crimes of Oklahoma assault and battery are indistinguishable if not interchangeable…
What are the Long-Term Consequences of an Oklahoma Felony Conviction?
folder_openOklahoma Felony Convictions
Most people are familiar with two of the sanctions that Oklahoma felony convictions can impose upon an individual…
Defining the Crime of Forgery in Oklahoma
Forgery in Oklahoma is an intent-based crime, meaning that one must have a purpose in mind to commit the act in question…