Oklahoma DNA profiling and you

The identification of suspects in criminal cases has undergone two revolutionary developments since the late 19th Century. The first was the development of fingerprinting methods for police work in the 1880s, and more recently the introduction of DNA profiling, also known as DNA fingerprinting. If you watch crime dramas or documentary programs on television, you…
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How are depositions used in Oklahoma criminal cases?

An integral part of any criminal defense attorney’s duty to zealously represent the interests of his or her client is to adequately prepare for trial. This preparation is based in part on a firm grasp of the applicable criminal statutes and how they define the elements of the underlying charges against the client, and partly…
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Oklahoma Marijuana Possession Laws

folder_openMarijuana, Uncategorized
How states and the Federal government treat marijuana possession depends on which category of legalization, if any, the state government recognizes. The following are general categories of how different states and Federal law enforcement view marijuana possession: Legalization for recreational use. A handful of states (Colorado, Alaska, Washington and Oregon) and the District of Columbia…
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Are “secret” DUI checkpoints legal in Oklahoma?

folder_openDUI in Oklahoma, Uncategorized
The DUI or “sobriety” checkpoint is one of the methods in Oklahoma and other states by which local, county and state law enforcement personnel seek to identify drunk drivers and take them off the roads. DUI checkpoints are different and have different requirements than driver’s license checkpoints which are also used in Oklahoma. The legality…
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